Green Bay, Wisconsin Building Codes

Updated : 04/22/2024


Green Bay adopts a building code in Chapter 15 of their municipal code. See Green Bay Mun. Code Ch 15.  Section 15.83 provides, "The State of Wisconsin Administrative Code, Chs. SPS 320 through 325, inclusive and made applicable to any additions or alterations to any existing one- and two-family dwellings, and Chs. SPS 361 through 366, inclusive, and all amendments thereto are hereby adopted and incorporated into this Code by reference."  Note that chapter 15 of the municipal code contains additional requirements.


It's important to note that the adoption of the state code is extended to additions and alterations of one and two family dwellings.  Otherwise, the state code only applies to buildings construction on or after 1980.

Helpful resources for Green Bay, Wisconsin include the following.

Residential Building Code

Wisconsin adopted a statewide mandatory residential code that will control. Authority for local amendments will be limited.See PLRB, Wisconsin Building Codes for more information on state level codes.

Green Bay adopted the Wisconsin Uniform Residential CodeYou can find a copy of the code here.You can find information about amendments to the model code here.

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Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code(Green Bay, WI Sec. 8-169. - Buildings, masonry construction, not governed by the Wisconsin Administrative Code.)

...(e) Hollow tile. Hollow tile for bearing walls shall comply with the provisions of the State Building Code. Where brick facing is considered part of the required thickness of a tile wall, it shall be bonded to the tile backing with header courses every sixth course....

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Drip Edge: No

Ice Barrier


Green Bay adopts a residential code in Chapter 15 of their municipal code. See Green Bay Mun. Code Ch 15.  Section 15.83 provides, "The State of Wisconsin Administrative Code, Chs. SPS 320 through 325, inclusive and made applicable to any additions or alterations to any existing one- and two-family dwellings, . . .  all amendments thereto are hereby adopted and incorporated into this Code by reference."  Note that chapter 15 of the municipal code contains additional requirmements.


It's important to note that the adoption of the state code is extended to additions and alterations of one and two family dwellings.  Otherwise, the state code only applies to new contruction.

Existing Buildings

Existing buildings, meaning buildings that were built in accordance to code at the time of construction, typically merit extra consideration in a current updated code.

  It's important to note that the adoption of the state code is extended to additions and alterations of one and two family dwellings.  Otherwise, the state code only applies to buildings construction on or after 1980. See Green Bay Mun. Code Ch 15, Section 15.83

Commercial Building Code

Green Bay adopted the 1996 BOCA National Building CodeYou can find a copy of the code here.You can find information about the adoption without amendment to the model code here.

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Wisconsin Commercial Bldg. Code (2015 IBC)(Green Bay, WI ARTICLE II. - BUILDING CODE)



Green Bay adopts a building code in Chapter 15 of their municipal code. See Green Bay Mun. Code Ch 15.  Section 15.83 provides, "The State of Wisconsin Administrative Code, . . .  Chs. SPS 361 through 366, inclusive, and all amendments thereto are hereby adopted and incorporated into this Code by reference."  Note that chapter 15 of the municpal code contains additional requirmements.

Existing Buildings

The state of Wisconsin expressly adopted the 2009 IEBC. See Wis. Adm. Code § 361.05(5).  Green Bay adopts a building code in Chapter 15 of their municipal code. See Green Bay Mun. Code Ch 15.  Section 15.83 provides, "The State of Wisconsin Administrative Code, . . .  Chs. SPS 361 through 366, inclusive, and all amendments thereto are hereby adopted and incorporated into this Code by reference."  

Other Building Codes

Other codes adopted by Wisconsin and expressly adopted by Green Bay in Ch. 15 of the Municipal Code include:


The International Energy Conservation Code® – 2009, subject to the modifications specified in this chapter and ch. SPS 363 is hereby incorporated by reference into this code.

The International Mechanical Code® – 2009, subject to the modifications specified in this chapter and ch. SPS 364 is hereby incorporated by reference into this code.

The International Fuel Gas Code® – 2009, subject to the modifications specified in this chapter and ch. SPS 365 is hereby incorporated by reference into this code.

 See Wis. Adm. Code § SPS 361.05 (accessed 11/15/2013).